Recipes - ​Vanilla Milkshake w/ Applewood Sea Salt

Posted by Aaron Eckburg on 30th Nov 2021

Vanilla Milkshake w/ Applewood Sea Salt

Written June 20th, 2012 by go lb. salt
Categories: Applewood Smoked Sea Salt, Recipes

It seems somehow twisted-ly appropriate that summer begins in the heat of the day this year. For those of you who aren’t Almanac readers, its June 20, 2012 at 7:09PM (EDT) in the Northern Hemisphere – that’s 4:09PM for those of us here under the broiler in the Southwest’s oven!

And, it’s no coincidence that the date typically corresponding with the first day of summer (June 20) is also National Milkshake Day!

As part of National Diary Month, we prepared in advance for this day and shared our Bacon Milkshake recipe, just over a week ago. While the idea of bacon in a milkshake seems to turn some people off, it was incredibly tasty and every person who tried it for us LOVED it! But, if the thought of bacon doesn’t thrill you – or if you are looking for a simple delicious milkshake recipe – it still works just fine without the bacon.

If you want to change it up a bit, add some fresh fruit – maybe some Ranier cherries or local strawberries or even fresh peaches. You could even consider macerating any of those fruits in rum and then flambé off the alcohol just before you throw them in the blender.

Some take exception to a milkshake with no milk. We understand your concerns. So why did we lose the milk and choose half & half instead? For two very specific reasons – more milk fat and fewer carbs. (if heavy whipping cream didn’t turn in to whipped cream when you throw it in the blender, we would have used that instead)

We also recommend a pinch of salt in your milkshake. If you’ve been reading our blog for any length of time you know that salt enhances the flavor of everything – that’s EVERYTHING – including milkshakes! If you are sticking to the basic vanilla milkshake recipe shown below, try the Applewood smoked sea salt, you’ll be amazed – seriously! (unless you don’t like smokey flavors)


Classic Vanilla Milkshake w/ Applewood Sea Salt

Author: go lb. salt

Recipe type: Dessert

Prep time:

Cook time:

Total time:

Serves: 2

A traditional classic with a twist!

  1. Combine all ingredients in blender and mix until completely smooth & creamy!

If adding fruit to this recipe, use approximately ½ c. chopped fruit.